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End Hunger While Helping Stimulate the Local Economy

An estimated 4,000 households in Richmond are living under the federal poverty line, but are not yet enrolled in the CalFresh program.  CalFresh (formerly known as food stamps) is the back bone in the fight against hunger throughout California.


In 2013, CalFresh successfully raised roughly 890,000 Californians out of poverty and into financial security. For every CalFresh dollar a participant spends, there is also a local economic stimulus yield of $1.70. With the average benefit per participant being $142 per month, people in need are able to receive essential nutrition and have extra money to pay for local goods and services.


If qualified Richmond residents were to sign up for CalFresh, they would gain better access to nutritious food and also have extra to spend locally, potentially resulting in an influx of $7 million dollars a year for our city.


As a Chamber member, you can help spread the word! Please support the Food Bank’s efforts to break down the stigma and barriers that keep California ranked 49th in program enrollment.


Email Cassie Wagner, CalFresh Outreach Manager, for materials you can provide to your patrons: