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The Richmond Chamber of Commerce opposes local ballot Measure N And O

The Richmond Chamber of Commerce opposes local ballot Measure N, which would amend the Richmond General Plan 2030 and allow for the development of a 59 unit single family home detached project at the site south of the intersection of Marina Way South.
The local measure is called the Richmond Riviera Project, and would place 59 single family homes into an area that is considered an activity center. The parcel is zoned for Medium-Intensity Mixed-Use (Commercial Emphasis). Typical projects in areas with this zoning promote not only residential, but commercial, retail, office, and entertainment as well – this project simply focuses on residential. With the forthcoming ferry service and proximity to the Rosie the Riveter Museum and Craneway Pavilion, the area would benefit from projects that match the current zoning and mixed-use emphasis. Measure N would fail to make use of the opportunities that the Ford Peninsula in Marina Bay provides.
Measure N also fails to benefit the area economically. While construction would bring approximately 100 short-term jobs, the project would fail to bring permanent jobs to the City of Richmond. Additionally, the project would make it difficult to attract other businesses to the area, which prevents the generation of additional sales tax revenue for the City of Richmond.
The City of Richmond needs permanent jobs and increased sales tax revenue, and needs to do so with balanced and sensible development. Without the ability to promote these two economic drivers, the Richmond Chamber of Commerce opposes Measure N.

The Richmond Chamber of Commerce opposes local ballot Measure O, which would prohibit City Council from compensating the City Manager in excess of five times the median household income for the City of Richmond.
Municipalities today are run much like corporations, and by limiting compensation for executive level management, there is a risk of losing or demotivating those affected. As a community, we don’t want to have complacent City employees, we want motived employees who want what is best for the City in exchange for competitive compensation.
The City of Richmond is a large and complex city, with challenges ranging from the Port of Richmond, a redeveloping Hilltop Mall, and the Berkeley Global Campus. Measure O will disrupt the leadership in the City of Richmond, and would negatively affect the economic growth in the City of Richmond.
The Richmond Chamber of Commerce urges voters to vote no on Measure O.