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You Are Invited to Judy Morgan’s Retirement Reception

Judy-Morgan-CEO-&-Prez-RCCDear Members and Friends of the Richmond Chamber,

You are invited to attend the Retirement Reception for Judy Morgan. After 20 years, she has retired and we all want to show her our appreciation for all that she has done for the Richmond community.

We must have your RSVP by this Thursday, December 12th.

It will be a marvelous event at the Richmond Country Club on December 19th. I hope many of you will be available to attend. The $30 cost will also be used to help provide a nice gift for Judy.

The party is not a surprise, but we are handling the reservations through the office, not with Judy. RSVP online below or call (510) 234-3512.

We’re looking forward to seeing you there.

